KG CRM Solutions

Re-Order Custom Buttons in Zoho CRM

AI-email generator in Zoho CRM

Creating a new button to perform custom actions, is common and have great documentation by the Zoho Team. You can have a look here .

But, What if you have a number of buttons in a module (you can create up to 50 custom buttons for each module in Zoho CRM), and want to re-order them? Means putting up the buttons that you are using frequently in your daily routine. It takes time to scroll through all the buttons to find the one you want to click. And imagine of you have to do this many times in a day, this gonna be frustrating! Right?

Well, I have a stick/solution to reduce your efforts. If, I say that you can re-order your custom buttons in Zoho CRM modules. Interesting ? Lets try this.

  • Create a few buttons in a particular Zoho CRM module, just for testing it.
  • Now, view any record in that particular module and see your buttons. They all should apprear in a dropdown manner.
  • Now open that button’s dropdown.
  • Click and drag a button to move it down or up and leave the click.
  • That’s it. You got the trick 🙂