KG CRM Solutions

How to Filter Leads in Zoho CRM?

AI-email generator in Zoho CRM

This tutorial will show how we can filter leads or contacts based on specific criteria in Zoho CRM. Criteria can be different, but the process will be the same. You can apply filters on any module, no matter it’s Leads or Contacts or any other module.
Example: Let’s suppose we want to find Leads which has no emails.
In the filter’s search field, type Email to quickly get into it, otherwise, you can manually scroll to find your required field.

How to Import Leads in Zoho CRM?
Check the Email field, and relevant criteria menu will be expanded.

How to Import Leads in Zoho CRM?
From the dropdown, select “is empty.” How to Import Leads in Zoho CRM?

Click on an apply filter

How to Import Leads in Zoho CRM?
All the leads with an empty email address will appear here. Currently, it’s displaying no leads, as all the leads have emails in them.

How to Import Leads in Zoho CRM?
Similarly, you can add more criteria like contains, does not contain, is, isn’t, starts with, ends with, is empty, is not empty, is blocked, and is not blocked.

if you are a user of Zoho CRM Software, then you won’t want to miss the leads. KG CRM SOLUTIONS will give you a complete guide on how to filter leads in Zoho CRM. Grab the Best Zoho Solutions and move ahead!

Video Tutorial

Watch the below step by step video tutorial on how to Filter Leads in Zoho CRM.