Blue print in Zoho CRM:
Blue print in Zoho CRM is designed to help to execute a business process in well defined systematic manner.
- Define every stage in a process and associate people with each stage.
- Guide your teams through the execution of the process.
- Mandate and validate important information contextually
- Automate routine actions
Example of Blueprint:
Basic stages of blueprint:
In simple words blue print is an online replica of your offline processes.
what you can do with blueprint:
- Associate people with each stage in a process
- Guide people through the execution of process
Designing or creating the blue print:
To design blueprint, follow the steps:
- Enter basic information
- Define the process flow
- Configure transition settings
Enter basic information: In this you have to select or specify module, layout and fields for which process should be created.
Define the process flow: Defining the process flow right from the starting or default state through to the exit state.
Configure transition settings: In this configure before, during and after transitions settings between different stages in the process as required.
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Access blueprint records:
- In your Zoho CRM account, click the My Jobs module.
Under My Jobs, records waiting for your approval and Blueprint Transitions are displayed. - In the list view, select Only Blueprint.
- Click on any entry to go to the respective record and execute your share of the process.
Execute blueprints:
- Tap the module for which you wish to execute the Blueprint. Example, Deals.
- Tap the record in question. You will see a Blueprint Stripthat displays the Current State as well as the Transitions that must be executed in order to progress to the next State.
- Click the required Transition and complete the requisites as directed.
Cloning blueprint:
- First, go to Setup
- Then, process Management
- Further, blueprint.
- Now, however the blueprint you want to clone and click More
- Then click on Clone.
- Now, in the Clone Blueprint popup, do the following:
- Further, enter the New Blueprint Name.
- Now, choose the layout from the drop-down list.
- At last, select the field from the drop-down list.
After click on field, there are two possibilities:
a. If you have additional stages in your new process, click create new stages to add them.
b. If both blueprints have equal number of states, simply click Map your existing states to new states finalize the stages for the new blueprint.