KG CRM Solutions

Keap vs Zoho CRM: Choosing the Right Fit for Your Small Business

Keap vs Zoho CRM

In the ever-evolving business landscape, customer relationship management (CRM) software has become indispensable for managing client interactions and streamlining operations. Two prominent players in the CRM market, Keap vs. Zoho CRM, have emerged as strong contenders, particularly for small businesses.

In this blog, we will dive into a detailed comparison of Keap and Zoho CRM, highlighting the key differences and focusing on the robust features that Zoho CRM offers for sales and lead management.

Keap vs Zoho CRM 

Keap, formerly Infusionsoft, is a well-established CRM solution emphasising marketing automation. It offers features like email marketing, campaign management, and customer segmentation, making it a solid choice for businesses seeking to automate their marketing efforts.

Zoho CRM, on the other hand, is a part of Zoho’s comprehensive suite of software solutions. Zoho CRM stands out for its user-friendly interface, extensive customization options, and wide array of features catering to various aspects of customer relationship management.

Best Small Business CRM: Keap vs Zoho CRM

Keap and Zoho CRM are touted as suitable solutions for small businesses due to their scalability and affordability. However, when it comes to catering to the unique needs of small businesses, Zoho CRM takes the lead with its robust features and ease of use.

Comparison of Keap & Zoho 

Here’s a detailed comparison of Keap and Zoho CRM to help you make an informed decision for your small business:


Key Features:

Marketing Automation:

Keap specializes in marketing automation, allowing you to create and automate email campaigns, manage contacts, and segment your audience based on their interactions.

Lead Management:

Keap provides tools for capturing leads, assigning scores, and nurturing them through automated follow-up sequences.

Sales Pipeline Management:

The CRM offers a visual sales pipeline to track deals through different stages, helping you manage your sales process effectively.

Also Read: Zoho Campaigns vs. Marketing Automation: Navigating the Landscape in 2023

Invoicing and Payments:

Keap enables you to create and send invoices to clients directly from the platform, making it easier to manage payments and track revenue.

Appointment Scheduling:

It offers features for online appointment scheduling and calendar integration, streamlining client interactions.


  • Strong focus on marketing automation.
  • Simplified user interface.
  • Integrated invoicing and payments.
  • Suitable for businesses with a primary focus on sales and marketing.


  • Limited customization options compared to some other CRMs.
  • It may lack some advanced features required by businesses with complex needs.
  • Pricing can be relatively higher for the features offered.

Zoho CRM:

Key Features:


Zoho CRM is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor fields, layouts, and modules to match your unique business processes without requiring coding skills.

Sales Automation:

Zoho CRM offers workflow automation, macros, and AI-driven insights to streamline sales activities and improve efficiency.

Lead Management:

Capture leads from various sources, assign scores and track interactions. Leads can be nurtured using automated workflows.

Contact Management:

Maintain a comprehensive database of contacts with detailed information and communication history.


Zoho CRM integrates with various Zoho applications and third-party tools, enhancing overall workflow efficiency.

Pros of Zoho CRM:

  • Extensive customization options.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Competitive pricing with various plans to choose from.
  • Robust automation features.
  • Strong lead and sales management capabilities.


  • Marketing automation might not be as advanced as specialized marketing platforms.
  • A learning curve for more complex customization might exist.

Comparison Between Top-Notch CRM Software:

  1. Customization:

  • Zoho CRM offers a higher degree of customization without requiring coding skills, giving you more control over adapting the CRM to your business processes.
  • Keap provides some customization options but may have limitations in terms of flexibility.
  1. User Interface:

  • Zoho CRM boasts a user-friendly and intuitive interface, reducing the learning curve for new users.
  • Keap’s interface is designed for ease of use but might not be as streamlined as Zoho CRM.
  1. Pricing:

  • Zoho CRM offers competitive pricing with a range of plans, making it budget-friendly for small businesses.
  • Keap’s pricing might be relatively higher, especially considering the features offered.
  1. Automation:

  • Both CRMs offer automation features, but Zoho CRM’s capabilities are more extensive with workflow automation, macros, and AI-driven insights.
  1. Lead Management:

  • Zoho CRM and Keap both provide lead management features, but Zoho’s customization and automation options can provide a more tailored approach.

Must Read: Salesforce vs. Zoho CRM

  1. Integration:

  • Zoho CRM excels in integration capabilities, allowing seamless connections with other Zoho apps and third-party tools.
  • Keap might have integration options but not as extensive as Zoho CRM’s ecosystem.

Ultimately, your choice between Keap vs. Zoho CRM depends on your business’s specific needs and priorities. If you’re focused on marketing automation and have a simpler workflow, Keap could be a good fit. However, if you require extensive customization, strong automation, and comprehensive lead and sales management, Zoho CRM emerges as the more versatile solution for small businesses.

In conclusion, both Keap and Zoho CRM have their merits, but Zoho CRM emerges as a strong contender for small businesses due to its customization capabilities, user-friendly interface, competitive pricing, and comprehensive features for sales and lead management.

When evaluating CRM solutions for your small business, consider your company’s specific needs and opt for a solution that aligns with your growth goals and operational requirements. If you’re in India, exploring authorized Zoho partners KG CRM SOLUTIONS, who can provide valuable assistance in implementing and maximizing the benefits of Zoho CRM and other software solutions.